Holiday Neccesitiess

So I survived my two weeks in spain amongst the tropical storms that flooded half of the Costa Blanca and the scorchio heat that followed. I thought I’d share my holiday necessities seen as I got such an over whelming response from my travel articles so far. This post will be split into 4; Hair Care, Skin Care, Make Up, Books. Now its not usually my style to write about these things but I love reading them so here goes…


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Zon, Zee en Cultuur: Moraira

If you’ve been following my posts on instagram lately you will see that I’ve taken a long overdue family holiday and thought it only fair to drop in a cheeky little review of Moraira in the Costa Blanca, a small, upmarket Spanish coastal town, part of Teulada which offered to me a mixture of Spanish weather and lifestyle, Dutch locals and the chance to reconnect with my family. I wanted to share my holiday highlights with you as I feel my trip was just as much Dutch as it was Spanish. This was the first ‘dutch-influenced’ holiday my parents had ever taken, I’m easing them in to a trip to my Heart-Country next year (they just don’t know it yet).

Continue reading Zon, Zee en Cultuur: Moraira

De Eerst op de Maand

Its the first of April, yes I know, I don’t know how that happened either! We’ll be seeing Christmas is the supermarkets again soon enough! I feel like 2015 is just galloping by and i’m clutching on with my finger tips! Anyway – of piste there – standard 1st of the Month blog post in het nederlands.

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My Holiday Highlights…

Holiday Highlights

In no particular order:

  • Getting complimented on my manners by the sweetest Swedish woman in an Italian restaurant. I’ve had many comments on my accent over the years, especially at university, nobody has ever pointed out how sweet I sounded!
  • Eating Frikandellen op de terrace
  • Drinking Chocomel on the sofa. Dutch hot chocolate is my most favourite hot chocolate in the world. I actually refuse to drink hot chocolate anywhere else in the world. Its just not the same!
  • Watching Dr Phil in Dutch! I’m saying no more than that, I cant watch this kind of trash tv on my television at home.
  • Dutch TV in general. I had this incredible mix of English in my head, Dutch on the TV and in the car and then Spanish in the shops.
  • Singing songs by my ultimate Dutch celebrity: Paul De Leeuw and singing “Kids Club” songs in Dutch. I have a thing for Dutch music, they sing with so much passion its incredible. Every track to me is like a Eurovision Party.
  • A week with a Dutch sense of humor. I’ve laughed that much my face hurt!
  • Finding a fully Dutch-speaking restaurant, and learning that most of the area I was staying in was owned/run by Dutch people. The menu cards where in Dutch, the staff etc. Moraira seems to be the second home for Dutch people. Its amazing how much Dutch I have been exposed to in Spain. I am starting to notice more and more connections to Dutch or the Netherlands in my everyday life, it’s the little things I have not noticed before. I suppose it’s similar to when you are buying a new car and all of a sudden it looks like everyone has the same car. There are lots of Dutch in Moraira though, more than any other nationality and at this time of the year there is more Dutch than there is Spanish!

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